Industrial Design

The passion for making has culminated into the world of Industrial Design. A place where thoughtful consideration to not only placed on the appearance and function of the product but also how we the user interacts with the object.  Industrial design fills the void between imagination and reality, it is the path that turns a thought into a tangible product,


Wearable air quality monitor designed for Blue Marble Labs in collaboration with Material Matters of Emily Carr University of Art and Design. The design imbues smart technology with a customizable jewelry aesthetic while remaining adaptable for multiple means of wearing the device.

A Scandinavian inspired compact work space for urban living. The design as the name implies is an object of triplets, the bent plywood table top, seat pan, and backrest all share the same two part mold.

Point of purchase display for Bayer Healthcare’s One’A’Day vitamin brand. The Design is a set of modular display units that can be used individually or together based on location and use.

A balance bike for children between the ages of 2 and 5 years old. The ‘twin tail’ design creates an opportunity for the parents to further assist in the learning process by way of the handle at the rear for stability.